Legal warning

Company Name: Pieles Prieto, SA

Commercial Name: Pieles Prieto

Registered Office: Loreto, 9-11, 08029, Barcelona (Barcelona, ​​Spain)

Telephone: (+34) 93 430 06 90


CIF / NIF: A59849299

Intellectual and industrial property

The website, including but not limited to its programming, editing, compilation and other elements necessary for its operation, the designs, logos, text and / or graphics are the property of the provider or, where appropriate, have a license or express authorization by part of the authors. All the contents of the website are duly protected by intellectual and industrial property regulations, as well as registered in the corresponding public registers.

Regardless of the purpose for which they were intended, the total or partial reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution and commercialization, in any case requires prior written authorization from the provider. Any use not previously authorized by the provider will be considered a serious breach of the author's intellectual or industrial property rights.

The designs, logos, text and / or graphics outside the provider and that may appear on the website, belong to their respective owners, being themselves responsible for any possible controversy that may arise regarding them. In any case, the provider has the express and prior authorization from them.

The provider recognizes in favor of their owners the corresponding industrial and intellectual property rights, their mere mention or appearance on the website does not imply the existence of any rights or responsibility of the provider over them, nor does it imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by part of the same.

To make any type of observation regarding possible breaches of intellectual or industrial property rights, as well as any of the contents of the website, you can do so through the following email.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

For the resolution of all controversies or issues related to this website or the activities carried out therein, Spanish legislation will be applied, to which the parties expressly submit, being competent to resolve all derivative conflicts or The Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona related to its use.